Daha Temiz Bir Dünya İçin

Plastik atıkları geri dönüştürerek doğayı koruyoruz. Ve geri dönüştürülmüş plastik ile yeni ürünler yeni ham maddeler üretiyoruz.

Endüstriyel Makineler

Doğaya dost makineler ile atıkları geri dönüştürüyoruz.

Ev Tipi Kullanım

Geri dönüşüm için pratik çözümler sunuyoruz.

Sürdürülebilir Gelecek
Doğayı korumak için çalışıyoruz.

Doğa ve İnsan İçin Yenilikçi Çözümler

Re-Kreatör olarak, doğayı korumak ve insan hayatını iyileştirmek için plastik atıkları yeniden kullanma çabası içindeyiz. Daha iyi bir dünya için makineler tasarlıyoruz.

Makinelerimizle dünyayı temiz tutuyoruz.




Doğayı korumak için yenilikçi çözümler sunuyoruz.

Endüstriyel Makineler

Plastik atıkları yeniden kullanmak için tasarlanmış endüstriyel makineler sunuyoruz.

A set of five wooden recycling bins is situated outdoors on a sandy surface, surrounded by lush green foliage. Each bin is labeled for different types of waste: organic, cans, plastic, and glass. Above the bins, a wooden shelter provides protection, and there is informational signage with guidance on waste separation.
A set of five wooden recycling bins is situated outdoors on a sandy surface, surrounded by lush green foliage. Each bin is labeled for different types of waste: organic, cans, plastic, and glass. Above the bins, a wooden shelter provides protection, and there is informational signage with guidance on waste separation.
Ev Tipi Makineler

Evde plastik atıkları geri dönüştürmek için pratik ve etkili makineler geliştiriyoruz.

Three recycling bins are lined up next to each other against a colorful wall. The bins are labeled for different materials: paper with a blue top, plastic with a brown top, and aluminum with a yellow top. Each bin has a distinct shape for the deposit slot appropriate for the material.
Three recycling bins are lined up next to each other against a colorful wall. The bins are labeled for different materials: paper with a blue top, plastic with a brown top, and aluminum with a yellow top. Each bin has a distinct shape for the deposit slot appropriate for the material.


Doğayı korumak için yenilikçi makineler geliştiriyoruz.

Metal recycling bins for different types of waste are placed in front of a wall with a window displaying posters. The wall also features signage with schedules and a label for the municipal museum. Lush green plants are partially visible on the right side.
Metal recycling bins for different types of waste are placed in front of a wall with a window displaying posters. The wall also features signage with schedules and a label for the municipal museum. Lush green plants are partially visible on the right side.
Endüstriyel Makineler

Plastik atıkları geri dönüştürmeye yönelik çözümler sunuyoruz.

Three recycling bins are positioned side by side in a dimly lit area, with green signage indicating their purpose. Light highlights the bins, casting shadows around them. Nearby, a red structure is visible, contrasting with the dark surroundings.
Three recycling bins are positioned side by side in a dimly lit area, with green signage indicating their purpose. Light highlights the bins, casting shadows around them. Nearby, a red structure is visible, contrasting with the dark surroundings.
Ev Tipi

Kullanıcı dostu makinelerle çevre dostu yaşamı destekliyoruz.

Three recycling bins with signs in a non-English language stand on a paved sidewalk, surrounded by lush green foliage. Each bin has distinct labels: blue, yellow, and green, likely indicating they are for different types of recyclables.
Three recycling bins with signs in a non-English language stand on a paved sidewalk, surrounded by lush green foliage. Each bin has distinct labels: blue, yellow, and green, likely indicating they are for different types of recyclables.
Three recycling bins of different colors stand side by side on a cobblestone street. The bins are labeled with the text 'Porto' and are designated for different types of waste: green for general waste, blue for paper, and yellow for plastics and metals. In the background, there is a vehicle and a building covered with scaffolding.
Three recycling bins of different colors stand side by side on a cobblestone street. The bins are labeled with the text 'Porto' and are designated for different types of waste: green for general waste, blue for paper, and yellow for plastics and metals. In the background, there is a vehicle and a building covered with scaffolding.
Geri Dönüşüm

Atıkların yeniden kullanımı için etkili makineler tasarlıyoruz.

Sürdürülebilir Gelecek

Daha temiz bir dünya için projeler geliştiriyoruz.

Müşteri Yorumları

Doğayı korumak için harika makineler üretiyorlar. Teşekkürler!